Lloyd at the ruins in San Ignacio Mini
OK, finally we are sitting in Rosario, about 320 km from Buenos Aires.The past few days were filled with confusion, adventure and quite a few suprises!
Firstly we left Puerto Iguazu for Posadas. When we got there we found out we couldn´t get a direct bus to Rosario before today. This is way too long to spend in this little city (didn´t look to exciting). Because it was already getting late, we decided we couldn´t take a bus to the next town, Corrientes. We would arrive at midnight and we wanted to see the ruins in San Ignacio Mini anyway (50 km east of Posadas). So off we headed to San Ignacio.
This is a really small town. We were worried that we wouldn´t get a place to stay, but the guy at the local tourist office pointed us in the right direction. He talked for about 15 minutes of which we understood maybe 20 words! Here we got a really nice suprise. It was the first night of San Ignacio´s Carnaval! We gathered our things and began walking to La Familia Campestre. A family run camping ground with cabanas. We got ourself a little double storey wooden cabin for 40 pesos. Rustic and basic but very nice! One thing we learned of this little town very quickly is that the people are VERY friendly. We had our first real Spanish conversation and it actually went OK!
After we took a quick cooldown swim, we went to town to scavenge for food and see the Carnaval. South America time works very much like Africa time. If somebody tells you something begins at 9h, fat chance! The Carnaval finally started at 11PM! It was well worth the wait though! Very colourful dancers paraded through the streets samba-ing followed by drummers giving the rythm. Was an awesome experience. We ended up sneaking back to the camping grounds at around 2AM.
The next day we spent exploring the ruins. A bit expensive for foreigners (we get charged more) but very impressive. It must have been amazing in its prime! We got a BIG brunch, the people here give very big portions.
We caught the bus back to Posadas at 13h, bought a ticket to Corrientes (4h30), arrived there at 19h30, bought a ticket to Rosario for 20h45 and arrived here this morning at 7h30. I got quite a bit of sleep, but Lloyd wasn´t quite so sucessful.
Today we will explore Rosario and probably leave for Buenos Aires tomorrow. The area we are staying at is a bit grungy and you can probably rent the hotel rooms by the hour... Nontheless, this is part of the adventure and at least there´s TV, hot showers and breakfast!
Well, I´m off exploring again,
Dude...jissie die foto lyk seriously fake...ek begin wonder of julle nie eintlik in neil se agterplaas wegkruip vir 3 maande nie, en die hele trip thing was fake. ha ha ha
alhoewel..die ruins lyk freakin awesome.
Hey julle! Ek stem nogal saam met Johan!!! die foto van die falls lyk nogal fake, maar ek glo jou Neil...anders het jy een moerse imagination! Alles lyk freakin' awesome. Ek sal ook so 'n toer wil doen someday. Dink Carel sal dit nogal geniet!
Ek weet, die flash was aan sodat mens actually ons gesigte kan sien. Die kontras tussen die skaduwee en die helder valle is net te groot andersins!
As die foto fake was, waar sou ons sulke cool wit bergies gekry het?
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